Space News
No Full Moon this February!
February 28, 2018
By Lora Snow
There was no full moon this month. How can that happen when there is supposed to be one about every 29.2 days?
Easy, February only has 28 days, and when leap year comes around 27 days. Therefore, when February comes along, it is possible, although unlikely, for a full moon not to appear.
This February, for example, there was no full moon. The last full moon occurred on January 31 and the next one wil
take place on March 1. This means that February gets left out of the full moon’s glow this year.

Meanwhile, March will get two full moons this year. The first on
March 1 and the second on March 31. The March 31 moon will
therefore be will a Blue Moon (a second full moon during a single month).
February won’t miss another full moon again until 2037.
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